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Ben lepinski began training dogs at 15 years old in his home state of Minnesota. As a teenager he trained bird dogs and competed with labs in hunt tests and field trials. In 2015 Ben received a formal education in dog training from tarheel canine in north carolina where he was offered an internship and then a job. For the next 8 years he trained hundreds of police K9s and MWDs at Tarheel Canine and instructed master trainer courses to dozens of students. Ben's passion is in working dogs and teaching. He specializes in obedience, tracking, detection, and bitework. He is best known for his decoy skills and experience. Ben is a trial decoy for PSA (protection sports association) and AS (American Schutzhund). He has worked over 50 trials including 3 regionals and 2 national championships. Ben is also known for becoming the only team to achieve a PSA3 and AS3 title with his malinois Fury.

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Personalized Training

Lepinski K9 is based around coming to you to meet the specific needs of you and your canine teams. Law enforcement, military, and sport, anything for the working k9. I specialize in obedience, detection, tracking, and bitework. While there are simple tasks or problems we all can work through, sometimes you need a spcialist. When a light comes on in my car and I just need to add oil, I am capable and comfortable completing that task. When the light comes on and I don't know what it means, I take my car to a professional to diagnose and fix the problem. Consider Lepinski K9 as your mechanic for K9 behavior.  


Seminars are not just about working the dogs that sign up. Lepinski k9 seminars focus heavily on developing the human part of the team through lectures, video, demonstration, as well as practical work with dogs. Course descriptions for seminars offered are detailed in the services page or by following the learn more button below. However can be modified to fit the needs of the group. 



In a seminar I'm going to spend a lot more time focused on teaching. If you are more interested in just having me come out to work dogs in protection or detection, that is an option too. In a workshop we will still talk and there is always learning involved but not a formal classroom type setting. A workshop to me puts the emphasis on just working the dogs. 



30 minute session $50.00 1 hour session $100.00. Email me for scheduling and availability. 



Available as an evaluator to run certifications through National Tactical Police Dog Association. Learn more about NTPDA by clicking the learn more button below.



Having an issue with a dog, not outing, not recalling, trouble with tracking, detection, patrol, obedience? I will come and audit your training to help make a personal plan to resolve any communication issues between dog and handler/trainer. Or simply want to elevate your training with a fresh perspective and scenario ideas, let Lepinski K9 be at your service. 



Adding a K9 to your unit but don't know where to start? Selecting the right dog is one of the most critical aspects of having a successful canine team. Lepinski k9 can help you with the selection process either by walking you through what to look for and how to test or going to vendors with/for you. Having worked at a large vendor kennel i have tested thousands and selected and trained hundreds of dogs. Unfortunately even in a long k9 career most LE handlers won't come anywhere near that. Let Lepinski K9 help select the best dog for your program. 

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